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Available on French Scopitones Special Edition Volume 1
Check out this amazing new transfer of this classic Scopitone. I've never seen the colors look so good on this one. Available on "Rock and Roll Scopitones" - 39 Scopitones - Rockabilly, Garage, Pop-Psych, Instrumental, R & B, Folk-Rock
Antoine - "Les Élucubrations".mov
Antoine - "Les Élucubrations".m4v
I just got a new batch of French Scopitones (!) including this Liz Brady one and I couldn't help but notice that it was "Liz Brady Week" at France Ye-Ye.
A-247 Liz Brady "Comme Tu Es Jeunes".mov
A-247 Liz Brady "Comme Tu Es Jeunes".m4v
Available on Yé-Yé Girl Scopitones Volume 1
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