36 Scopitone & Cinebox Films From the US, UK, France, Italy and Parts Unknown. Twist! Hully Gully! Madison! Baby Madison! Cake Walk! Cha Cha! Mashed Potatoes! Rumba! Harlem Shuffle! Mambo! Fandango! Java! And much, much more.
Les Ballets Jackson - Fiesta Hippie
April Stevens & Nino Tempo - Land of A Thousand Dances
The Psyrcle - Land of A Thousand Dances
Greenwood County Singers - Cake Walkin' Baby
The Milords - Baby Madison*
Les Ballets Stefani - I Want You To Be My Baby
Vince Taylor - Peppermint Twist
Colette Deréal - Tu Nous Feras Danser
Fred Bullo - Tritolo Twist*
Line Renaud - Paso Cha Cha
Johnny Hallyday - C'est Le Mashed Potatoes
Henri Salvador - Twist SNCF
Claude Bolling - Madison Time
Francis Linel - Le Cha Cha
Fred Adison - Ali Baba Twist*
Beny Benett - Pepe Zanito Mambo
Sylvie Vartan - Twiste et Chante
Guy Marchand - Rumba
Glenn Jack & Ses Glenners - Zizi La Twisteuse
Line Renaud - Le Hully Gully
Pedro de Linares - Fandango de Malaga
Les Dangers - Leçon de Twist
Miguel Cordoba - Belly Dancer (Loukoum)
Richard Anthony - Ya Ya Twist
Ruddy Castel - Passeron Cha Cha
Vince Taylor - There's A Lot of Twistin' Goin' On
Vigon - Harlem Shuffle
Gerard La Vigny - Antillais Ça C'est La Merengue
André Verchuren - Papa C'est Ta Java
Pepe Luiz - Melody in Cha Cha
Les Ballets Stefani - New Orleans
Richard Anthony - Ya Ya Twist
Jean Segurel - Per Bien La Danser
Peppino Di Capri - Let's Twist Again*
Les Ballets Stefani - N'Importe Quand
Riccardo Rauchi e il suo Complesso - Ok Madison*
Les Ballets Jackson Fiesta - Hippy 2é Partie
*denotes Cinebox Film
All other films are Scopitones
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